About KEES

President Message

Dear members of the Korea English Education Society (KEES),

I am Jeon Young-Joo from Mokwon University, and it is with great honor that I address you as the 12th President of KEES.

Founded in September 2001 under the leadership of our inaugural president, Professor Kim Ki-Seop of Korea National University of Education, KEES brings together researchers in the field of English education, current school-based English educators, policymakers from the Ministry of Education and local education offices, as well as various practitioners, all of whom have consistently sought to advance the quality and availability of English education in schools. Our society has consistently discussed and sought advancement in English education as a subject in school.

Over the past two decades, we have grasped the evolving trends in English education through various academic activities, including regular academic conferences, international conferences, joint conferences, colloquium, and the publication of the English Education Series. In addition, our academic journal, "Journal of the Korea English Education Society", a KCI-indexed prestigious quarterly journal, has constantly sought to bridge the gap between academic research and the field of practical teaching.

With this rich history and expertise in mind, I am committed to ensuring that our main activities continue to improve over the next two years. This includes the publication of KEES journals, conferences, colloquium, collaboration with various English education governance organizations, a commitment to provide insightful growth opportunities for English teachers, English learners, researchers reflecting on the past, assessing the present, and preparing for the future of English education, and policymakers aiming to enhance national competitiveness through English education policies.

Given the challenges posed by COVID-19, which kept many of us apart in recent years, I am particularly eager to create a society where members can frequently gather to share research findings, discuss English education, and foster a sense of belonging. I envision increased academic and personal exchanges among our members, who all share a passion for English education. By strengthening the cohesion within our society and actively collaborating with other organizations, the 12th executive committee and I are committed to furthering the advancement of English education in Korea.

I humbly request your continued support and interest, and I wish each of you happiness and good health.

Thank you.

September 1st, 2023

Jeon Young-Joo,
12th President of the Korea English Education Society (KEES)

Room 317-1, Teachers’ College Building, Mokwon Univ. 88 Doanbuk-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, South Korea
Tel. +82-42-829-7448(7440) Fax. +82-42-829-7038
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